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Martin Blais, B.B.A., D.Fisc., Adm.A., F.P.

In his capacity as financial planner and tax expert, Martin is mainly involved in the overall management of clients’ personal wealth and assets. He is especially adept at developing financial and fiscal strategies to optimize the wealth of high net worth clients.

Martin has been collaborating with independent financial consulting firms for the past seven years. He has always worked with a client base comprised of professionals, executives and entrepreneurs.

He is currently completing his Master’s degree in Taxation with a Major in Personal Financial Planning at the Université de Sherbrooke. Martin already has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the HEC. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Financial Planning Division of the Chartered Administrators Order of Quebec (OAAQ) and of the Fiscal and Financial Planning Association (APFF). He also sits on a working committee on personal wealth management.